Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bright color single product out people in late autumn bend so as to breakstubborn modelling student protests

Bright color single product out people in late autumn bend so as to breakstubborn modelling student protests
In late autumn season, bright color sheet is tasted the most fashion! Quickly take your bright color sheet is tasted it, learn the student protests of bright color color by people.

Orange dress elegant, by a gradual change of the coat is most suitable for but.

Simple sweater and torn jeans, it was in that a pair of red to forget the high-heeled shoes, the effect is as clear as red lip.

The dining-room with the bright eye colour collocation black coat it will show the bright yellow acme, in the warm sunlight, temporarily keep their skin and sunshine a contact.

Cloak coat was slightly depressing plank, but the red leather bag bag has the role of foil, let a person see unforgettable.